This is the next line of "Sadhana Karu Pyare" series.
Continuing from the last issue...
Regarding the definition of a Mahapurush, we have understood
till now that a soul, who has attained God, and whose actions are performed by
God's will, that soul is called a Mahapurush, a true Saint. Also, it was
proved by all the Vedas and Scriptures that there is no difference between God
and Mahapurush, because all the actions of the Mahapurush are performed by
God. In fact, for a devotee, Mahapurush is the most important because it
is only through a Mahapurush one will attain all the spiritual knowledge
related to preliminary stages of sadhana, devotion, and without whose guidance,
the individual cannot even take a step forward towards God.
āchāryavān puruṣho hī veda | (Chhandogyopaniṣhat 6-14-2)
Because all the scriptures as well as Saints have told
various kinds of paths to achieve the supreme entity - God. Finding
solutions to the innumerable Upanishads, Puranas and differences of arguments
of learned scholars, and understanding their correct meaning and selecting the
best path is impossible even for Lord Brihaspati and Goddess Sarasvati.
So how can it be possible for an ordinary person? Only a Mahapurush knows
the correct and most suitable solution for an individual, and can direct the
individual towards the correct path.
We already know that since infinite lifetimes, we are making
a continuous effort for the attainment of the Divine Bliss of God. During
endless lifetimes, we might have walked towards God but surprisingly until now,
we have not attained that eternal bliss. The reason for this is that we
never surrendered ourselves to a true Saint. Whereas, there is rule in
this material world, that only by following the instructions of a teacher, we
attain knowledge about any subject. If we follow half of the instructions
of our worldly teacher and apply our own intellect to the rest of it, then we
will never be able to progress to the next class.
When we are sick, we follow the instructions of a
doctor. Otherwise, we know the consequences of not following the full
instructions. In the same way, since countless lifetimes we applied our
material intellect in the deep and intense subject called God, and because of
it, instead of moving forward in the spiritual realm, we kept on moving backwards.
That means our downfall has been continuous. According to the Vedas and Shastras,
God-realization is the easiest work in this world. There is no hard work
in this. Yet, we have not attained our supreme goal till now. The
reason behind this is that we have not accepted a Mahapurush to be a Mahapurush.
And if we do not realize a true Saint to be a true Saint, we will never
surrender completely. And without complete surrender, we cannot move
forward towards achieving our goal.
Now let us throw some light on the question: How should we
recognize a true Saint? Though, one who dares to judge a Mahapurush is as
silly as a child studying in kindergarten and trying to judge the capabilities
of a professor, however, since infinite lifetimes many individual souls have
recognized a Mahapurush and have achieved their goal by surrendering.
Therefore, on the basis of perception, interaction, and scriptural evidence, we
will have to surrender to a Mahapurush. By following this rule, infinite
souls attained God and therefore, we also have to follow this rule for
attaining our goal of life. We do not have to get disappointed because if
someone can do a job, then everybody can do it. It is proved.
In earlier lectures we have learnt that, in general, there
are two types of Mahapurush and two types of cheaters. A true Saint is
one who is saintly from inside and acts worldly from outside. Our history
is filled of such Mahapurushas. Prahalad, Vibhishan, Dhruv, Pundrik
Vidyanidhi are some of the examples of such Mahapurushas. The second kind
of Saint is one who behaves saintly from inside as well as outside. Their
external behavior is also saintly and they live like Saints. Soordas,
Meera, Kabir, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and all Jagadgurus come under this category.
On the other hand, the first type of cheaters is one who is
worldly from inside, but acts like a Mahapurush from outside. It is
extremely difficult to identify such cheaters. And the other type of
cheater is like an ordinary worldly person, who is visibly worldly from inside
as well as outside.
To recognize a true Saint we should always keep one thing in
mind. We should not accept anyone as a Saint on the basis of someone
else's words. But only after carefully understanding, one should accept a
Saint to be a true Saint.
guru kare jāni ke govind rādhe |
pānī piye chhani ke jñānī batā de ||
(Radha Govind Geet -2118)
Because, suppose you have accepted someone as Mahapurush on
the basis of someone else's words and later on that person say, "I had
seen that saint. He is a cheater." Then your feelings about
that saint will change and you will be deprived of the benefits from that Saint
and will harm yourself.
Now arises a question: How should we recognize a Mahapurush?
Generally, three types of nature are seen in a Mahapurush. What are these
types and what are the different kinds of signs, we will read in the next
.... To be Continued
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